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javelin throw 【體育】擲標槍。

javelin thrower

Taking the eighteen javelin throw techniques of nine javelin throwers out of the top ten ones of the national track & field men ' s javelin throw as the objectives of study , a three dimensional motor analysis was made to the right side body movement of the athletes after they finished the right leg cross steps 摘要以全國田徑大獎賽男子標槍比賽前10名中的9名右手投槍選手的18人次投擲技術作為研究對象,運用文獻資料法、數理統計法、三維錄像解析法對我國優秀男子標槍運動員交叉步結束右腳著地前后身體右側動作進行了運動學分析。

“ i prepared by javelin throwing , i have n ' t really practised throwing mobile phones , “ etelatalo told reuters 他說: “我一直用扔標槍來練習,我從來沒有真正練習扔過手機。 ”